Concert Bucket List (pt. 1)


I have been going to concerts since I was in the 5th grade and have been lucky enough to see pretty much every concert I have ever wanted to go to. However, there are still some artists that I would have loved to see in concert by this point in my life – whether I have been listening to them since I was a kid or they are new discoveries, this list consists of five of the artists I would love to see in concert.

5. The Growlers

I will admit that The Growlers is a group that I haven’t been listening to for a long time. They have only been on my radar for probably a little over a month and a half. However, they are one of those bands that I feel would just be a good time to go and see live. Their music has a certain vibe to it that makes you want to bop along. It is a sound that doesn’t necessarily match everything else I listen to, but it’s one that I thoroughly enjoy. I find myself wanting to listen to them throughout the day because I am hooked and if they were touring anywhere near me, I would definitely be there. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for a Denver tour date.

4. Childish Gambino

I think deep down all of us want the opportunity to see Childish Gambino live. If you don’t agree, you’re probably lying to yourself. Gambino has a certain way with writing and composing music that is hard for me to even put into words. Yes, he is another rapper, but he has his own twist on it that has had me really wanting to catch him in concert for a while now. I have only been to one rap concert in my life and I feel like I can’t even use that experience as reference for what it would be like to see Gambino live. I want to see him live because he is so much of his own person that I feel like his live show would be one of a kind.

3. Fleetwood Mac

I want to start this one by saying I thought for sure at one point in my life I was going to see Fleetwood Mac live. Spoiler alert: I didn’t get to. This is still something my family is working through since my oldest brother and mom were lucky enough to go. Fleetwood Mac has been one of my mom’s favorite bands for a while and we’ve all listened to them as a family, so that’s the main reason I wanted to see them live. Also, Lindsey Buckingham on the guitar – need I say more? I think not. Not to mention it’s literally a band made up of legends. Who wouldn’t dream of seeing Fleetwood Mac live? Ever since I missed the chance of seeing them in Colorado I have religiously checked in on tour dates for them and will not stop until they come back.


My oldest brother and I have talked about wanting to see MGMT live for years now. They are one of those groups that I have an undying love for no matter how many years pass. For awhile, MGMT definitely stuck out in my music collection like a sore thumb, but there’s something about listening to their music that I loved (and continue to love). Seeing MGMT live would be very unique since they don’t really match most of the artists I have seen live previously with their sound. It is something that I am still wishing to experience someday. They are another group that I believe would just be a blast to see in concert because just listening to their music is fun at times.

1. David Bowie

If you know me, you know I love(d) David Bowie for not just his music, but how iconic he was. He is an artist that I had a lot of respect for and always enjoy hearing. It was a tragedy when I found out that he had passed. Especially because I wasn’t lucky enough to see him in concert before he went. I still play the vinyl of his that I own and dream of the day that time machines are a thing so that I can travel back in time to see Ziggy Stardust perform. Bowie is one of those artists that I feel would always deliver an amazing show regardless of which era of his career he was in, so honestly I would love to see Bowie like, seven times if possible.

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